April 7, 2020

Until We Meet Again

We are all missing each other and are looking forward to returning to our daily routine at PrimeTime. Our regular Zoom chats have helped us stay connected. We share stories, laughter and Birthdays but mostly smiles and laughter, as we navigate these uncertain times together. Calendars have been planned for the coming months in hopes that this pandemic will subside much sooner than later. We plan on continuing to be proactive in social distancing even after we are told it is safe to return to our daily lives.  My wish for you is that you take this time to take your focus off the news and be kind to yourself. Learn a new skill, create art, exercise, or take a walk in the sun and absorb that Vitamin D for a strong immune system. Take time in your day to phone a friend or reconnect with someone you haven’t seen in a while but surely miss. Treasure the time with your family; play games; have conversations and cook together. Before you know it, daily life will be back and we will be wishing to have this time (less the pandemic) again. Lastly, reach out if you need help. We are not intended to travel this world alone.