Welcome to PrimeTime Center-Brick, New Jersey
Throughout the years, PrimeTime Center Brick has cultivated a magnificent family atmosphere! Our participants, families, staff, and support coordinators value each and every day they are able to spend together!
While in attendance at the program, participants focus on activities of daily living and functional academics to maximize their independence. Topics covered include meal preparation, money management, communication skills, housework, and personal hygiene. Additionally, they love having their very own STEM Lab where they can strengthen their science and technology skills through hands-on, project-based learning. Make sure you check out the movie they recently created, Marshmallow Madness, using Stop Motion Film. Our participants learned how to utilize a camera, create figures, edit videos, and do character voiceovers!
Strengthening employability skills is another important aspect of our program.
At PrimeTime Center, we do this using experiential learning; for example, we created a program restaurant named Prime Serrata Ristorante last year! For this activity, our participants learned how to develop a logo, create a menu, and work hands-on in our kitchen. They created samples of meals and pitched their ideas to peers and staff. They also used ingredients for their meals that were grown in their very own garden. Within their garden, PTC participants learned to grow vegetables such as tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, and eggplants! They cared for these plants and then used them once fully grown when cooking meals for the program restaurant! In addition to using their garden vegetables in recipes, participants also created their own business, PrimeTime Pickles. First, they picked cucumbers from our garden. Then they would go shopping for needed ingredients to follow a secret program-created recipe! After shopping, our individuals washed the cucumbers and went through the process of bringing them into pickles! Their PrimeTime Pickles were sold to close family members and friends!
If outside our facility, you may catch our participants out in the community at local stores, parks, and malls! Community outings they look forward to the most include Tuckerton Seaport, Bowling, Golfing, having lunch at Bellworks, watching performances at the Grunin Center, and recreating at the Toms River Field of Dreams! They also enjoy giving back to their community. Recently PTC participants have collected items needed for Popcorn Park Zoo and helped zoo employees organize these items upon drop off. They have also worked with local hospitals, creating cards for first responders and collecting much-needed items that hospitals ran short of during the pandemic.
They even have a program Therapy dog named Clover, who they visit several times a month! They are always excited to engage in new activities both inside and out!