How to Begin the Admissions Process at our Adult Day Program
To be considered for PrimeTime Center an initial intake request may be made to our Parent Liaison (Eileen Trainor) by a prospective participant, the primary caregiver, a support coordinator or present school personnel.
At the time the initial intake request is made, the Parent Liaison will reach out to the prospective client’s support coordinator to request all DDD paperwork (Individualized Service Plan, Person Centered Planning Tool, etc.) If the prospective client has not graduated from school yet we will also ask to see his/her latest district Individualized Education Plan.
Once all of the necessary paperwork is received the Parent Liaison will make the appointment for the initial intake.
Admission Forms
All Admission Forms must be completed upon acceptance into the PrimeTime Center program. The list below outlines the process after all of the necessary paperwork is received by PrimeTime Center:
- The initial intake will be conducted by the Parent Liaison with the prospective client and his/her primary caregiver.
- The prospective client must be in attendance at the initial intake.
- The client’s support coordinator may be in attendance as well.
- At the initial intake, the PTC Program Supervisor will have a chance to meet with the prospective client/caregiver to ask any questions that they might have or get further clarification about any information listed in the prospective client’s paperwork.
If it is decided after the initial intake that PrimeTime Center may be an appropriate placement, the Parent Liaison will call the prospective client/caregiver to set up a follow-up intake.
- The follow-up intake will consist of the prospective client attending the program for a full day so that everyone involved feels comfortable that PrimeTime Center has the right supports in place for the individual to be successful.
- Upon completion of the follow-up intake, the Parent Liaison will contact the prospective client/caregiver and the support coordinator with the admittance decision.
- When all admission paperwork is completed by the family and the Support Coordinator has drafted a plan, an admission meeting will be scheduled and a start date will be determined at that meeting.
Please be sure to watch Blanche Stetler's our PrimeTime Center Director's video introduction outlining the transition to a day program for your loved one. This short video explains the necessary steps and planning for your loved one.
Important information:
New clients will not be allowed to start PTC until all of the program paperwork listed on this page is completed and all DDD paperwork (PCPT, ISP, Prior Authorization) is received. Only then will a start date be determined.